Monday, April 10, 2006

No work for Janette!

Well, I spoke with the head boss today at work and he says that I can't come back to work until the doctor releases me. Unfortunately my doctor won't release me to go back to work until the 21st of April. I only had two weeks of sick leave and now I am going to have to take one week unpaid unless I can get the doctor to release me sooner. I will go back to the doctor on Thursday and hope she will change her mind. I would use some of my holiday time but it's all used for when my mom comes at the end of this month and takes us to Greece! We are thrilled to go to Greece with Grandma and have that opportunity that we normally wouldn't have unless she was coming! We are faithful that all will work out and God will meet all our needs--He always does.
In the meantime, I am getting in some really good quality time with Lily and Zoe and Dustin too. Thanks to all of you for praying for us!


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