Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday on Arthur's Seat

Good Friday on Arthur's Seat, originally uploaded by dustkunkel.

The batteries were dying in the camera, so we got a single picture from the service on the top of Arthur's Seat, the highest hill in Edinburgh.

Lily, Zoe, and Dustin walked over from our place and climbed the hill with about 70 other people. Someone carried a cross up and tied it to the survey marker that rests on the crown.

It was a clear day, with clouds carried by the wind like racehorses chasing towards the ocean's horizon in the east. We stood or sat on the top, windblown and wearied from the climb, singing, "Jesus, remember me. . . when You come into Your kingdom."

Thank You for Your Sacrifice Lord.

1 comment:

coldenburg said...

Cool Guys. So glad you shared this. What an awesome Easter experience. Experiential at that. And for this to happen in the UK. Isn't that a big thing? Keep it up.
