sick ,sick ,sick
almost everyone in our house has been sick,sick sick with the stomach flu.some of us kunkels like mom and i have already had it.but Dustin still has it.Zoe hasn't got it yet.i am hoping you will pray for dust and Zoe.i will be praying.other than that everything is smooth and cool in the kunkel house.
i would love feedback on how i am doing on the helps me be a better writer.goodbye.
love from,
Hey Lily!
I think your blogs are great. I love reading them :)
I'm glad you're not sick anymore!
it was nice seeing you today :) love you!
I love your blog entries, Lily. the only problem is that you do not do them often enough! I would love to hear from you all the time! You are on your way to being a great writer. Hope all the family soon feels better and STAYS BETTER! Love you bunches. Grandma Ella
I think you are doing a fabulous job with the blogging! You are a really talented writer, and practice is the best way to sharpen those skills. Do you still write in your journal?
I'm glad you survived the flu. Tell your family hi for me. :)
Love ya!
Hi Lily -- I agree with everyone else that you are quite the gifted writer. You have a way of expressing yourself that makes the reader feel like they are there with you. I like that! Keep it up, we appreciate reading about you and your family. Lots of people have the flu -- hope it's on the way out!! love, aunt carla
I just found your family blog and read it for the first time today- it made me smile to think of you! Hope everyone starts feeling better soon- would love to hear more about what you've been up to!
Love you (all!)
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