Prayers Please!
It's been one of those weeks where you throw your hands up in the air and say "bring it on Lord!" because you feel like He is throwing everything else your way and might as well bring whatever else may happen too.
Zoe's first treatment for her bowel obstruction went well and we wait a few days now for the second round. Once that is over with she will have a little procedure to look further into the mass that was found through her x-rays and ultra sound. Pray that she can continue having such an amazing attitude and not really realize what is going on through the whole process.
The phone rang late last night-well late for a call to be coming from my dads house(thanks caller ID). My dad was taken to the emergency yesterday after a co-worker found him laying on the floor with heart/chest pain. My dad underwent heart surgery a little over a year ago and now will have to have surgery again on Tuesday morning. He is in the hospital in Bend. I was able to talk to him tonight for a few minutes and he cracked a couple of jokes and kept telling me how bad he wanted out of there so I know that his feisty spirit will get this through. Please pray for my dad Leon to come through the surgery with a very healthy strong heart and for my step-mother Phyllis to be embraced by their church family there and be able to experience rest and peace during the next few days.
Thank you to all our faithful friends and family that continue to embrace us! It's been a crazy year!
The Hiltons are praying for all of you!
Behnkster is praying for you.
We are praying for you all! So sorry that everything is coming at once. WE are here!!
Sara, Kris and Addie
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