Sunday, April 22, 2007

Of Blownup Computers and the Blue Screen of Death

Our PC has been limping along for quite some time, like a four - cylinder car chugging along on only three.

Last night, she blew up.

Who knows if she'll ever come back to us. It was the infamous "blue screen of death." We'll try to get her fixed, but who's to say if the repair guy won't take her out back behind the shop to the burial grounds where old pc's go . . . .

This will add complications to our family staying in touch with people. We were just getting ready to set up our skype account again and post new pictures online.

We are thinking one of those Mac minis ($600) is lookin' mighty nice right now, but we'll have to wait.

So. . . . be patient . . . . once again!


Anonymous said...

Sort of funny (or ironic), Dustin, that as you talk of dying computers, your verse for today is "But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6" Maybe it is only your mother who could see the humor in that one. Sorry. May you be online again soon. We love you. Mom

C\o/L' said...

Sad to hear about your loss - Ben says once you've had a mac you never go back to PC!All well here,
praying for you all
In Him,