Saturday, April 01, 2006


Being a bit experienced in having surgery, I thought that this could be no problem. With the removal of my appendix when I was 8 months preg. and lithiotrypsy on my kidney and then the hysterectomy a year ago this last week. Well, "Let me tell you somethin" (just like my grandma would say it) I am not comfortable or pain free in any way. I have had to wait till the drugs wore off to just write a wee bit. With three one inch incisions and air in my belly still from the anesthetics I am uncomfortable.

I thought I would share a bit about how different the experience was in Scotland versus America:

You check in at 8 in the morning with the other 20 people that are to have "day surgery" for that day.
You speak with all parties involved before you get changed or anything.
You have to bring your own robe and slippers--which I had to borrow--thanks Marya!
You get changed and then they take you to "theatre" which is what us Americans would call the surgery or operating room.
You get your IV and all the anethestics in the "theatre" and then they work on you.
When you wake up, you are in a big room "ward" with those 20 other people of mixed sexes whom have all had different operations.
When you are well enough to go to another room, it's ward for just females and there is only 10 beds.
No Phone, no TV and the food is all prepackaged cold food all but the tea of course!
The biggest difference is: I will not get a bill from the hospital, I won't get a bill from the surgeon, I won't get a bill from the anethestist and I won't get a bill for the mound of meds and spare dressings they sent me home with. Of course when I got out my bed at 7:05 this morning to pee they quick stripped my bed and took the pillow away and put me in a less comfortable spot asking "will you have a ride home soon?" Do they know we have two kids in bed still? Do they know we don't have a car and it's a bit early to call the neighbors.....So, all in all, I am alright. The operation went well and the "theatre" was not showing any good movies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are healing ok.