Sailing in the Firth of Forth
Let Love Rule O Brave Creative Heart!
We've changed the layout a little on the site!
Included in the right hand column is now a separate area for dust's special sites that he's created, as well as his personal mission statement. This has developed out of a year-long process of praying and listening to the Spirit give him a name, identity, and calling within the Body of Christ.
Remember, you can't "get it" without "getting into it!"
Posted by
10:08 AM
This picture was taken this Easter as we celebrated God's love for us and His great care for us these ten months since we've been here.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Urgent Prayers for Addie!! The following is what was posted on Addie's site Saturday morning. We are praying for an Easter miracle of healing and HOPE!
Addie is in really bad shape today. Tougher shape than she has been in through this entire transplant process. She is having a very difficult time breathing and has needed more and more oxygen in order to breath. The docs are concerned that she has a viral infection in her lungs. VERY SCARY! We had originally thought it was from the pain from the surgery but they have never seen a child need so much oxygen to support pain. All in all, they don't know what is going on but feel that we need to act soon. Addie could end up on a ventilator (intubated) as she is having to work so hard to breath now.
As far as we have heard , she will be having a CT Scan of her chest done today and a risky procedure where they will shoot liquid into her lungs and pull it back out to see if there is any infection present.
We are all very scared. She has been worsening overnight and this is very serious.
Please pass on the word to pray for Addie. She is in more need for it now than she has ever been. OH LORD, please touch Addie with your healing hands - please perform a miracle!
Posted by
1:10 AM
The batteries were dying in the camera, so we got a single picture from the service on the top of Arthur's Seat, the highest hill in Edinburgh.
Lily, Zoe, and Dustin walked over from our place and climbed the hill with about 70 other people. Someone carried a cross up and tied it to the survey marker that rests on the crown.
It was a clear day, with clouds carried by the wind like racehorses chasing towards the ocean's horizon in the east. We stood or sat on the top, windblown and wearied from the climb, singing, "Jesus, remember me. . . when You come into Your kingdom."
Thank You for Your Sacrifice Lord.
Posted by
3:37 AM
Well, I spoke with the head boss today at work and he says that I can't come back to work until the doctor releases me. Unfortunately my doctor won't release me to go back to work until the 21st of April. I only had two weeks of sick leave and now I am going to have to take one week unpaid unless I can get the doctor to release me sooner. I will go back to the doctor on Thursday and hope she will change her mind. I would use some of my holiday time but it's all used for when my mom comes at the end of this month and takes us to Greece! We are thrilled to go to Greece with Grandma and have that opportunity that we normally wouldn't have unless she was coming! We are faithful that all will work out and God will meet all our needs--He always does.
In the meantime, I am getting in some really good quality time with Lily and Zoe and Dustin too. Thanks to all of you for praying for us!
Posted by
11:06 AM
It's not everyday that we pick up the phone at
8:30am and have someone from Oregon on the
other line saying "we were going to be in Edinburgh for the day and thought we might drop in". But this morning was a great surprise! The Stewart's--a family from Trinity--our church body in Oregon City--came by for a quick visit. Carlene and Norm Stewart are in the picture with grandaughter Cathy. Cathy was in our youth group and college group while we were at Trinity and Carlene was my (Janette) class room assistant one day a week. They were such a blessing to a gray rainy day in Scotland. So, if you are in the neighborhood, feel free to drop in. Oh, thanks Stewart's for the butterscotch chips and marshmallows--I know a little birdie named Nance that I am sure told you!! We are missing you all.
PS--I am healing quickly and being a better patient. Lily has the flu now and vomitting and so we are praying that I won't get it--can't imagine it would be too good on the tummy just yet!
Posted by
4:12 PM
We love this picture, it says so much about Zoe, helping, loving, with that twinkle in her eye that says, "Watch Out!"
Posted by
12:38 PM
Think in the movies where people buzz at the front door and you hear someone on the other end ask who it is and then buzz them in. Well, we have an entryphone system similar to ones you see in the movies. Actually majority of places here have those.
Today, I woke up very sore with a strange pain under my right breast/rib area. I can't breathe very deep without pain and it's a sharp shooting pain that is there all the time. I was a bit worried as this was not listed in any of the side affects. I called our Doctors to see if I could have a wee chat. The nice receptionist took a message and said she would have the doctor call. So, when our entryphone buzzed and I asked who it was and got this reply "it's the doctor" I was a bit thrown off. You see in Scotland, part of the wonderful health care is that the doctors still do house calls for those who are unable to come in. So, here in my living room the doctor listened to me and checked all the vitals then told me to continue taking the pain medicine and rest. I didn't bother telling him I though that I was feeling well enough to not take the pain meds since Monday. Dustin says it's an inherited thing called "Daughter of Viki" syndrome where I try to be too tough and can't let people take care of me too much. I will say that much, my mom is one tough lady!
Well, I am going to go and lay down watch a movie and possibly take some pain meds. My little bubble was burst when the doctor told me no returning to work for three weeks. I do have a lot of letters to catch up on. Too bad I can't catch up on all that house work!
So for all of my complaining about the health care here, it does work! The doctors go out of their way at times to look after you when you most need it.
Oh yeah, some of our Scottish friends are curious about some American things that they see on the Television or read about and one of things that comes up over and over is "What is a twinkie?" So, for anyone wishing to send Twinkies or any other hostess products to the UK---we would welcome them to do some cultural sharing with!!! We do have a small list of things we love to have sent to us if anyone ever feels the need to send a package....Just ask!!
Off to be a good patient as many of you are just thinking of waking up!!
Lot's of love,
Posted by
4:30 AM
Being a bit experienced in having surgery, I thought that this could be no problem. With the removal of my appendix when I was 8 months preg. and lithiotrypsy on my kidney and then the hysterectomy a year ago this last week. Well, "Let me tell you somethin" (just like my grandma would say it) I am not comfortable or pain free in any way. I have had to wait till the drugs wore off to just write a wee bit. With three one inch incisions and air in my belly still from the anesthetics I am uncomfortable.
I thought I would share a bit about how different the experience was in Scotland versus America:
You check in at 8 in the morning with the other 20 people that are to have "day surgery" for that day.
You speak with all parties involved before you get changed or anything.
You have to bring your own robe and slippers--which I had to borrow--thanks Marya!
You get changed and then they take you to "theatre" which is what us Americans would call the surgery or operating room.
You get your IV and all the anethestics in the "theatre" and then they work on you.
When you wake up, you are in a big room "ward" with those 20 other people of mixed sexes whom have all had different operations.
When you are well enough to go to another room, it's ward for just females and there is only 10 beds.
No Phone, no TV and the food is all prepackaged cold food all but the tea of course!
The biggest difference is: I will not get a bill from the hospital, I won't get a bill from the surgeon, I won't get a bill from the anethestist and I won't get a bill for the mound of meds and spare dressings they sent me home with. Of course when I got out my bed at 7:05 this morning to pee they quick stripped my bed and took the pillow away and put me in a less comfortable spot asking "will you have a ride home soon?" Do they know we have two kids in bed still? Do they know we don't have a car and it's a bit early to call the neighbors.....So, all in all, I am alright. The operation went well and the "theatre" was not showing any good movies!
Posted by
5:11 AM