"Famine or Feast" (A.K.A. "For Poorer or Poorer!")
14 people interviewed. . . .
1 chosen. . . .
We just got the call today: Janette has work as an administrative receptionist and assistant at a large medical clinic!
Incredible--considering most businesses here will hire a native Scot over a North American. Incredible--considering there were many, many applicants, and still many interviewees.
The phone rang, but I was in the other room in thanks and praise listening and agreeing with the song on the stereo in the kitchen:
". . . . Famine or feast,
I'm on my knees.
Lookin' for the answers
To things I can't see.
In times of jubilation,
Or waiting for release,
Time we all pray to the Lord--famine or feast.
You may say,
time to pray
is every now & then.
I tell you twice,
Jesus Christ--
He's no fair-weather friend.
He ain't no fair weather friend."
Steve Wiggins says it much better than I could. He was singin' the words and backin' it with some old-school rock n'roll, and I was hollerin' along, and the phone rang and Janette went to answer it, and she got the job.
Famine or feast.
One thing we're learning is that God isn't a fair-weather friend.
We don't need to be either.
We praise Him for Who He is and thank Him through all things. And ALL things means famine as well as feast.
I told Janette the other day, "I'll bet you didn't realize when you said 'for richer or poorer' you were agreeing to this."
She just smiled at me.
"Yeah," she answered, "For poorer or poorer would be more accurate."
Famine or feast, my friends.
PS. What this new job does for us, in case you were wondering about the hard numbers, is that we still need about $500/month to meet our minimal budget. But that's much better than what we needed before Janette got the job!
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