Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Hi! Lily here. Dad and Grandpa arrived in Ghana! They supposedly got there
sometime this afternoon our time. In Ghana it was late at night!
I hope they had a good and safe flight.I wonder what he was thinking when he arrived. Probably" I'm finally here" or "I'm tired'! My mom said when he called he was already talking in "pidgen" english. This is talking with an African accent. I bet he sounded funny!
For the past 2 days My sister and I have been sick with a bad cold. It sucks!
But, I've had a chance to explore blog spot.com. I'm having a great time updating Kunkel
Fam. Adventures. I love to blog.I can't wait to hear more
news to blog about.


Lily Kunkel

1 comment:

Ella said...

Hi Lily, Glad you are posting here. Keep it up. Hope you are feeling ok again. Grandma Ella