Sunday, January 06, 2008

Kunkel Fam Summer Video

We realized that many of you may not have a picture of what our lives are like -- particularly in the summer time.
The video slideshow above is an attempt to give a feel for Kunkel Fam life during summer camp 2007. Our daughter Brandi (25) moved to camp this summer to work as camp staff and she's in the pictures too.
Of course... things you can't see in the video:

  1. Dust working in the wee hours/late hours to finish his dissertation.
  2. Janette looking for work (her job as Day Camp Coordinator was done in August).
  3. Our other older kids who are growing, changing, and facing life's challenges as adults and parents themselves.


ErinOrtlund said...

I love it! That gives us such a better idea of what your life is like there. I loved the amazing presenters, and also the music (sounded like Dust to me). It seems like the camp where you all are is such a good fit for your gifts and vision!

Shawn, Bev, and Family said...

That was terrific! You guys are very blessed to have such a great place to minister and, I am sure, to be ministered to. Hoping to see you all again,
Bev and the gang

Anonymous said...

You have an amazing family! You guys are truely blessed.