Sunday, April 15, 2007

Transformation Day

The entire site just got a massive over-haul . . . .

Its about time.

I know many of you have been wondering what's up with us. Just life. Living out of suitcases and working new jobs and having two little children and trying to complete Master's theses all take a toll. Thanks for your patience.

This site will reflect my personal mission from now on. The mission was arrived at during a 34-year journey that began on April 15th 1973 when I entered this world.

Who ever has anything figured out? Not me. . . . That's not an excuse to stand where you're at and be faithful, available, vulnerable when the everything says do the opposite. So . .. some of us write little mission statements, words that barely scratch the surface of what's REALLY going on. So long as you're with me on that truth, we'll be fine!

Attention: I have a big Outdoor Education season starting tomorrow and continuing until Summer Camp starts. This is our "harvest" season when we work from sunup to sundown. I will be out of touch, mostly.


1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

I like your new layout! I look forward to exploring the site more, including the companion sites on family and leadership.