Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We are thankful for so many of you! We would love to list each person but the list would be so long and we would risk leaving some key person out! We are now getting settled into our new jobs and temporary home. Idaho is incredibly beautiful! We don't have a reliable internet connection as of yet (we are at Mom and Dad Kunkels for Thanksgiving just now) but are hoping to soon. We will be updating our blog more often....we promise! Check out the fliker link on the right hand column "get kunky pics" from our last week in Edinburgh and our entry back into the USA.


ErinOrtlund said...

Glad to see you made it! That camp looks like a fun place for kids! Can't wait to get more updates!

Anonymous said...

You look so at home there already! C\o/l'

Shawn, Bev, and Family said...

Glad you have made it and are getting semi settled. You must be used to waiting for services like internet after your year here...not that that helps I imagine. I look forward to seeing updates soon. Say hi to the girls from the boys!

Anonymous said...

Hey who's the funny lookin guy in the red vest? just kiddin..Hopefully we can drop in on you guys sometime now that you've come back.
Take Care and God Bless
Nick and Mallory