Thursday, October 26, 2006

House Gig

Okay. . . so its sort-of a "house gig!"

We were originally hoping to visit with friends in homes when we returned. To share some "key learnings," and play some tunes. Have a dinner. Chat a bit. Talk and listen to God. That's the mix that makes a "house gig."

But we don't have the time for more than a single gathering when we first get to the States. We will be heading quickly up to Lutherhaven to work -- so, enter plan B, exhibit number two, stategy deux:

Wednesday, November 8th is a House Gig at Trinity Lutheran Church in Oregon City. . . yeah, they've got enough room for anyone who wants to show up! Please RSVP, see info at end of this blog.

Here's the details:

Where: Trinity, Oregon City. (16,000 S. Henrici Rd. -- googlemap it if you don't know how to get there!)

When: Wednesday, November 8th, 5:45PM Soup Supper, 7 PM "Show and Tell Time"

Who: Anyone who likes Dust, Jan, Lil' or Zo', wants to hear about how they've been, hear a couple of tunes, capture a piece of what God's up to in their lives and the world beyond America. . . . Did we mention, Show and Tell?!

Why: Hmmm.

Post your "why would I come" in the comment section under this blog!!!

Please RSVP the Trinity Office: email at or call 503-632-5554


Pixie said...

Dustin & Janette,

Wondered if you got my comment on your ILK post (about sending you the int'l. phone card code) Know your time there is short, and am hoping to get word back from you in time for you to use it...


PS. Homeschooling for the rest of the year--good for you! The Meyers should be a great support for you since they are doing the same :-)

Susan said...

The Murren's will be there (3) plus a couple more kids. Can't wait to see you guys. Hear stories and listen to music. I have really missed you guys.

Love you all,


Dust said...

Christa, We did get your comment about the phone card. I was trying to see if we would need it or not but i it looks like we will be set. Although, if you really don't have a use for it, we could use it to keep up with people here. Yes, excited about homeschooling. The girls are excited to be by the Meyers girls! Peace to you and your family!

Pixie said...


I'll just mail the actual card to Lutherhaven and that way you can have it to touch base with all the friends you've left behind in Scotland.

Blessings on your travel this week, and please don't hesitate if we can be a resource or encouragement to you in this next step of your venture...

:-) Christa

Anonymous said...

Sure wish we could join you for the evening, but can't. It will be nice to have you back in the states and hopefully soon we can visit. Luke, Jodi and Wyatt are doing well. Wyatt has jaundice and I think they are keeping him in Miles City until Monday. Hugs to all of you. Aunt Irene