Saturday, February 11, 2006

Swimsuits in Scotland

Lily and Zoe wanted to wear their swimsuits today although it is
below zero outside! So, we turned up the heat and they paraded around in their swimsuits. We can't wait for warmer weather but it will not come very soon. Although, we have only had five days of rain since September! Zoe is feeling much better! She lost 8 pounds while being sick and you can really see it in her legs in this picture. Lily is doing amazing at reading and enjoys reading to her sister. Today we are making plans for a tea party to have next weekend. There have been many new neighbors moving in over the last month and the girls are excited to invite them. Now if we can just get the list down to ten or fewer mum would be happy as well! We miss you all and wish we could have you over for a tea party!
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