Sunday, December 18, 2005

Itchy Itchy :(

Yesterday Zoe wasn't herself. We know this, when she insists on sitting still for more than, say 2 minutes, that she isn't well. She wanted to cuddle and watch movies. By mid afternoon she was breaking out in little red bumps --chicken pox!--and today they're everywhere!!

She was immunized in USA so we thought for sure that she'ld be free of them but here we go!! We gave her a bath with warm water and baking soda (which is bicarbonate soda over here) to help with the itching, and later she said "when do I get another bath in diet soda?" We thought it was cute. She was to be one of the wisemen today in our church children's Christmas "play," but they had to make do with only two . . . no one to bring the frankincense or as Zoe calls it "Frankin- something".

Should be a interesting week for Mr.Mom as I am working all week. Pray for quick healing and that Lily will be able to dodge the virus. We miss all of you so much. Thanks to those of you who have sent cards or packages. It really helps us feel like we aren't so far away from home. One friend from Trinity, Paula Bennett, sent us a package with Christmas decorations in was an incredible gift because as she guessed, we had nothing here. Thanks for remembering us this time of the year!
Peace and Joy from Scotland!

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