Friday, November 25, 2005

Thankful at Thanksgiving

Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving in Scotland. For those of you who can't think outside of the US--Thanksgiving is purely an American holiday! Yes, we had thanksgiving here with 30 other Americans. It wasn't family and it wasn't by any means "traditional" but it was turkey with all the fixings. We thought we would share some of the things we have been especially thankful for in the last 5 months.

*mail of all kinds
*posts on our tagboard
*prayer support
*financial gifts
*no TV
*making friends here
*opportunities and chances to be salt and light
*Community Church Edinburgh
*work for Janette
*people who move out of our flats and leave us with all kinds of fun stuff
*no car
*phone calls (even in the middle of the night!)
*web camera & video emails
*food from back home that we can't get here
*Monday night tea with the ladies
*free health care
*Shayna (babysitter who was a total God-thing)
*multi cultural living experiences for all of us
*great schools for the girls
*our flat (as much as we have complained about our 564 square feet of nothing we have grown to love it)
*our parents and siblings who love and encourage us from afar no matter how bad they want us home.

And for you, whoever you are, wherever you are. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't great to be an American.

I think so.