Friday, July 01, 2005

Checking in. . .

We're back in Portland, able to check email again for a little bit, and upload pictures from our journey this last month. We have 4 days and then . . . climb on a plane and fly to Scotland. . .

Its hard to express what a wonderful experience it has been. Each stop along the way with friends and family was a universe of wonders. Where to start. . . ? The writing of it would take too long even if we were to summarize what each of you has meant to us. We WILL share some highlights soon to come, but until then. . . .

How about pictures, which supposedly "say a 1000 words." Check them out on the flickr account and notice Lily and Zoe--they're smiling. They had a great time! When your children are enjoying the adventure, you can too!

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