Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Poem

The poem below was written a few days ago. A great accompaniment as you read my poem would be to download Jon Foreman's "Spring" EP from here:


I highly recommend listening with headphones or earbuds, since the music -- acoustic as it is -- has many sonic layers that you'll miss otherwise.

Well, here's the poem:

"Waiting for the Buffleheads"

Driving back from dropping
off Lily the road winds
up past the stop sign on
Valhalla road,
Takes two sharp curves
Drops in a gentle turn by
the flooded and marbled wetlands.

I look each day for first sign
of waterfowl.
There are watery edges now
between the snow on the banks
and the humps of vegetation
and the sickly ice.
Soon, it goes.
Soon, they come and play, mate, and live.

This patch.
This little wet spot.

Some man's hand touched it and made it,

Sinews bent and turned

Unravelling and ravelling.

Even better -- such beauty

lies here on the edge

of a curving road

So we can't look straight

and say,

"I didn't see."

Keeping up the Blog

Some of you may be wondering if this blog is going away... since we're not posting like we used to ...

A good question.

At the moment, we are simply both working and the time is not available. We recognize our present state isn't sustainable, so if you're reading this and want more... have hope!

And pray that some things come through for us so one of us can be at home more often -- for the children, and for you!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Kenyans for Peace

A friend of ours is in Kenya right now, working to help the people suffering from the violence and hatred. Through him we found out about a unique music video -- made up of Kenyan musicians from across the tribal lines, all of them singing "Wakenya Pamoja" (Kenyans Together). See the the right column to watch the video.

Keep the people of Kenya in your thoughts (and prayers if you talk to God). Its a tough time, and they haven't made it to peace just yet.