Okay. . . so its sort-of a "house gig!"
We were originally hoping to visit with friends in homes when we returned. To share some "key learnings," and play some tunes. Have a dinner. Chat a bit. Talk and listen to God. That's the mix that makes a "house gig."
But we don't have the time for more than a single gathering when we first get to the States. We will be heading quickly up to Lutherhaven to work -- so, enter plan B, exhibit number two, stategy deux:
Wednesday, November 8th is a House Gig at Trinity Lutheran Church in Oregon City. . . yeah, they've got enough room for anyone who wants to show up! Please RSVP, see info at end of this blog.
Here's the details:
Where: Trinity, Oregon City. (16,000 S. Henrici Rd. -- googlemap it if you don't know how to get there!)
When: Wednesday, November 8th, 5:45PM Soup Supper, 7 PM "Show and Tell Time"
Who: Anyone who likes Dust, Jan, Lil' or Zo', wants to hear about how they've been, hear a couple of tunes, capture a piece of what God's up to in their lives and the world beyond America. . . . Did we mention, Show and Tell?!
Why: Hmmm.
Post your "why would I come" in the comment section under this blog!!!
Please RSVP the Trinity Office: email at trinity@bctonline.com or call 503-632-5554