Wednesday, November 14, 2007


We have come to terms with the fact that we live a crazy life.

I can't tell you exactly when I came to that conclusion but it's a fact -- that much I do know.

I was talking to a good friend--Brent Brelje--on the phone the other day when it really hit me. He was sharing something with me and asked "do you think that we are crazy?" My response was "Brent, I think you are probably asking the wrong person." defines craziness:

1.mentally deranged; demented; insane.
2.senseless; impractical; totally unsound: a crazy scheme.
3.Informal. intensely enthusiastic; passionately excited: crazy about baseball.
4.Informal. very enamored or infatuated (usually fol. by about): He was crazy about her.
5.Informal. intensely anxious or eager; impatient: I'm crazy to try those new skis.
6.Informal. unusual; bizarre; singular: She always wears a crazy hat.
7.Slang. wonderful; excellent; perfect: That's crazy, man, crazy.
8.likely to break or fall to pieces.
9.weak, infirm, or sickly.
10.having an unusual, unexpected, or random quality, behavior, result, pattern, etc.: a crazy reel that spins in either direction.

I couldn't have defined the Kunkel's better myself! Well, not all of them but some of them some of the time. While some people may say "oh yeah, they sure are unusual, random and unexpected, I am referring to numbers 3 and 7 when I say we live a crazy life or a life of craziness.

#3Informal, intensely enthusiastic; passionately excited: crazy about baseball.

Yes, we are intensely enthusiastic and passionately excited.

About what?

About loving on the people that some find it hard to love. We are passionately excited about giving the best of the best to the least of the least.

We are intensely enthusiastic about where God has taken us and taught us and sharing that with others. And we are passionately excited about where God will take us in the future.

So go ahead Brent Brelje--and the rest of you--live a life of Craziness--it's GREAT!

Your crazy friend,

Thursday, November 01, 2007

All Saints Day

Hard to believe, but this is the one year anniversary of our return to the States from Edinburgh, Scotland.

I remember sitting on the plane a year ago, in the haze over the Atlantic, with Bono and U2 playing "The Saints are Comin'"


They are.

And there's no stoppin' the meek from inheriting the earth.

The literal translation for "saint" is "holy one." A saint's a mess, but a beautiful mess. Beautiful because the work's done, and a saint dives into the life already won and done by Someone else. Holy people are into giving Life away to others, like their Father.

Like Bono says, "see the bird with the leaf in her mouth, after the flood, all the colours came out . . ."

In honor of those who went before, and all the rest of you saints too . . . . the above youtube bar should give you some good playtime!